Sunday, June 2, 2024

Star Trek : Discovery

 Michelle Yeoh on Her Return to Star Trek Discovery - AsAmNews


Sorry Discovery fans here is a harsh truth: The writing after Michelle Yeoh left was pure GARBAGE. In particular the incredible disrespect the writers had for the audience, the ships, Starfleet and even just basic science.  I don't mean warp science, I mean basic science.  The writers just loved the captain way too much.  She had too many chances and too many lives.  The dialogues were fast and filled with quips but what they were saying often made no sense at all.

Need to run two star ships into the ground in order to save a town? Sure, why not.  This was one thing that always bothered me about the movies, treating the Enterprise or any other capital ship like it's a Miata.  In S5:E10 "Life Itself" our heroine falls from a murderous height without a helmet and does not die.  Come on man.  Then she makes it back to the alien weirdscape to battle her current nemesis Moll and flames start coming out.  Why flames?  What AI on this M.C. Escher inspired dimension decided they needed to turn on flames?  Had the heavy metal band Gwar showed up in person and started playing while they would not have been too weird.  Also, the writers just loved Moll too much.  I mean, is there no one in all of Starfleet security who knows how to keep a prisoner actually in prison?  That fight scene should just never have happened. 



Also, Moll, honey, are you 14?  Cause that running mascara look is just a few years too young for you.  Is there just absolutely no one in all of Breen society to give you some friendly advice? 

Overall this series runs on scenery, costumes and action, the many nods to alternative family structures and diversity just can't save it from being a mindless action driven series.  It's not Star Trek.

Star Trek : Prodigy treated the ships more realistically than this. In Discovery anything goes so long as it leads to an action filled event.  That's really what I most hated about this series. I'm happy for it to end.  Also, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is fantastic. 

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