Wednesday, October 4, 2006


The board design is off to the factory, should have it back by Friday.

I'm happy to say that some major improvements were made before it was submitted. The ground plane was broken into 2 sections, one for the audio and one for the multipath and scope outputs.

The traces and resistor locations were optimized even more, giving the fixed outputs the shortest, most isolated trace paths possible. The VARIABEL [sic, "inside" joke, which is itself a bad pun] outputs also have very good trace routing, but maybe a tiny bit less optimal.

The original board kept clearances of about 0.050" around the audio signal traces, this board will have 0.100" clearances, significantly shorter traces, as well as a massive grounds in a star-like configuration. This, along with Cardas jacks (which I understand were originally designed for Jeff Rowland Design) should make this about the best output boards you can put in a Tandberg tuner, short of re-designing how the boards connected to each other. There is also, as I mentioned before, a special feature for multiple cable addicts which I will show you once the boards are back.

The sad part is, I'll probably be selling my extras on e-bay before I ever get to hear the benefits myself. This is because it will be a couple of weeks before the power supply rebuild is complete.

More when the parts start to arrive!

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